



INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY XIV SYMPOSIUM PLATONICUM Facultad de Filosofía Universidad Complutense de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria Campus de Moncloa Plaza Menéndez Pelayo sin número Monday, May 5 8.00-9.00: Reception of the Participants (Central Hall, Ground floor) 9.00-10.00: Opening Ceremony (Paraninfo, Ground . . .







Facultad de Filosofía

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Ciudad Universitaria

Campus de Moncloa

Plaza Menéndez Pelayo sin número



Monday, May 5  

8.00-9.00: Reception of the Participants (Central Hall, Ground floor)


9.00-10.00: Opening Ceremony (Paraninfo, Ground floor)


Welcome to the XIV Symposium:

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy:  Prof. Dr.  Juan José García Norro


Memorial to Honor our Dearest Members:


Thomas More Robinson (Livio Rossetti: online)

Tomás Calvo Martínez (Álvaro Vallejo Campos)

Thomas Szlezák (Francisco Lisi)

Gianni Casertano (Lidia Palumbo)

Maurizio Migliori (Elisabetta Cattanei)


10.00-11.00: Plenary Session (Paraninfo) Chair: Mary Margaret Mc Cabe

De Vogel Lecturer: Prof. Christopher Rowe:

‘On (Mis-translating) Plato on Belief and Knowledge: the Theaetetus and Other Dialogues’


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break (Cafetería de Profesores, downstairs)


Parallel Session 1: Plato against Flux and Materialism (Paraninfo) Chair: Ivana Costa

11.30-12.10: Noburu Notomi: Epicharmus and Plato in the Theaetetus (152e)

12.10-12.50: Gregory MacIsaac: Plato’s Account of Presocratic Materialism: A New Interpretation of Theaetetus


Parallel Session 2: The Prologue (Salón de Grados: ground floor, first room on the right): Chair: Álvaro Vallejo

11.30-12.10: Sung-Hoon Kang: “Just Now or Long Ago” – The First Words of the Theaetetus

12.10-12.50: Gabriele Cornelli: Verdad y juego retórico en Platón (Tht.  142a-143d)


Parallel Session 3: Knowing Theaetetus (Seminario 217: First Floor: stairs on the left: half corridor on the left): Chair: Laura Candiotto

11.30-12.10: Jonathan Fine: Knowing Theaetetus (Tht. 142a-145c)

12.10-12.50: Lidia Palumbo: Sulla somiglianza tra Socrate e Teeteto e sul loro ruolo di specchi (Tht. 144d-145b)


13.00-14.15 Lunch (Cafetería de Profesores, downstairs)


Parallel Session 4: The Prologue (Paraninfo)

Chair: Irmgard Männlein

14.20-15.00: Benny Kozian, Approaching the truth:  The prologue as a non-aporetic way out (Tht. 142a1-143c7)

15.00-15.40: Filippo Forcignano: Il testo sotto sorveglianza: l’affidabilità della scrittura nel prologo del Teeteto


Parallel Session 5: Knowing Socrates (Salón de Grados) Chair: Lidia Palumbo

14.20-15.00: Antonino Spinelli: Socrate sapiente o ignorante? Una lettura paralella de Teeteto e Cratilo

15.00-15.40: Zdenek Lenner: Erōs et erōtēsis dans le Théétète: entre ignorer et savoir


Parallel Session 6: On Age and Wonder (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Luca Pitteloud

14.20-15.00: Martin Graceffa: Jeunesse et maturité dans le Théétète de Platon. (Autour de 149a-151d, 166a-169d et 172c-177c)

15.00-15.40: Chloe Balla: Why wonder? Plato on the proper predisposition to philosophy (155d)


Parallel Session 7: Self-Awareness (Seminario 217) Chair: Julia Pfefferkorn

14.20-15.00: Daniel Bloom: Self-Awareness and Lack of Self-Awareness in Plato’s Theaetetus (163d-164d, 184b-186e)


15.40-16.00: Short Coffee Break


Parallel Session 8: On Calculating (Paraninfo) Chair: Francisco Gonzalez

16.10-16.40: Yan Lu: Mathematical Incommensurability and Constructive Definition in Theaetetus 147d2-148b2

16.50-17.30: Pauline Sabrier-Thomas Seissl: Contingent Future in Plato’s Theaetetus (178a-179b)


Parallel Session 9: On Terms and Dialectics (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Álvaro Vallejo  

16.10-16.50: André Rehbinder: “Being” and “being such”, “greater” and “greater than”: two shifts of meaning in the Theaetetus (152a-168c)

16.50-17.30: Eleni Kaklamanou and Maria Pavlou:  Ἐπανόρθωσις in the Theaetetus 167e-168a


Parallel Session 10: The Theaetetus and the Philebus (Salón de Grados) Chair: Dougal Blyth

16.10-16.50: Olga Alieva:  Sense and Sensibility: the Theaetetus and the Philebus on Reason and Pleasure

16.50-17.30: Raffaella Antonini: The Theaetetus and the Philebus: where does the μέτρον truly lie? (Tht. 177c6-179b5)


Parallel Session 11: The Theaetetus, the Republic and the Philebus (Seminario 217) Chair:  Silvio Marino

16.10-16.50: Lia Theodorudis: The Theaetetus as a Synopsis of the Sciences

16.50-17.30: Sarah Feldman: Relative Measurement and the Structural Characteristics of Perception in Theaetetus 153d-158e and Philebus 41b-42c


18.00: Bus Service to the City Centre


19.00: Welcome Reception at the Círculo de Bellas Artes (downtown)



Tuesday May 6


9.00-10.00: Plenary Session 1 (Paraninfo): Chair: Noburu Notomi

Franco Ferrari: Aporia e maieutica: la struttura del Teeteto e il significato dell’esito aporetico del dialogo


10.00-11.00: Plenary Session 2 (Paraninfo) Chair: Claudia Marsico

Marcelo Boeri: “Cuando somos niños este recipiente (que es el alma) está vacío” Los aspectos tentadores de la epistemología empirista del Teeteto y por qué hay que resistir la tentación


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break


Parallel Session 1: Perception and Knowledge (Paraninfo): Chair: Franco Ferrari

11.40-12.20: Kristian Larsen: On Perception and Knowledge in Plato’s Theaetetus (151e-152d, 184b-186e)

12.20-13.00: Clement Heidsieck:  La théorie de la vision du Théétète (153e-154, 156a-e) est-elle platonicienne?


Parallel Session 2: Perception, Medicine and Knowledge (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Elisabetta Cattanei

11.40-12.20: Silvio Marino: Aspects of medical τέχνη and perception in Plato’s Theaetetus

12.20-13.00: Francesca Eustacchi: Scienza non è altro che percezione (Tht. 151e2-3): sul ruolo della percezione nel processo conoscitivo


Parallel Session 3: Flux, Buddhism and Esoteric Philosophy (Salón de Grados) Chair: Raúl Gutiérrez

11.40-12.20: Michael Griffin: The flux doctrine of Theaetetus 155d-160e and early Buddhist abhidharma analysis

12.20-13.00: Leo Trotz-Liboff: Esoteric Philosophy in Plato’s Theaetetus: 152c8-e9; 155e3-156c5 37


Parallel Session 4: Plato’s Homer/Reception in Origen and Plotinus (Seminario 217) Chair: Irmgard Männlein

11.40-12.20: Giovanni Trovato: Rotating heavens: Homer and the World Soul in Theaet. 153c-d

12.20-13.00: Ilaria Ramelli: Origen’s Creative Reception of Plato’s Theaetetus: Assimilation to God, the Destruction of Evil, Zetesis, and Convergences with Plotinus


13.00-14.15 Lunch


Parallel Session 5 (Paraninfo) Parmenides behind the Curtain Chair: Kristian Larsen

14.20-15.00: Dougal Blyth: Parmenidean Terms, Reason and Judgment at Theaetetus 183c-187a

15.00-15.40: Denis Walter: The koina (185a–186a) and Socrates’ Dream (201e–206b) in Light of the Second Part of the Parmenides


Parallel Session 6: On Δύναμιςποιεν and πάσχειν (Salón de Grados) Chair: Arnaud Macé

14.20-15.00: Carolina Araujo: Power as the mark of generation in the Theaetetus

15.00-15.40: Santiago Chame: The notions of ποιεῖν and πάσχειν in Plato’s Theaetetus


Parallel Session 7: Maieutics (Sala de Juntas): Chair: Chloe Balla

14.20-15.00: Laura Candiotto: The Embodiment of Maieutics

15.00-15.40: Zara Amdur, Phaenarete’s Midwifery (Theaetetus 149a-151d)


Parallel Session 8: The Philosopher (Seminario 217) Chair: Marta Jiménez

14.20-15.00: Julia Pfefferkorn: The Philosopher’s Freedom (Tht. 172c8-173c6, 175d7- 176a2)

15.00-15.40: Marta Mascia-Bernat Torres: The portrayal of the philosopher in the central digression of Theaetetus: mathematical education and lack of φρόνησις (173 b – 175 b)


15.40-16.00: Short Coffee Break


Parallel Session 9: Tà koiná (Paraninfo) Chair: Álvaro Vallejo

16.00-16.40: Lloyd Gerson: Tà koiná

16.40-17.20: Francisco Gonzalez: Thinking of Common Characters in Plato’s Theaetetus 184-186 and the Aristotelian Reply


Parallel Session 10: On Secret Doctrines (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Miquel Solans

16.00-16.40: Manuela Rondón Triana: The Two Secret Doctrines of the Theaetetus (153d-160e, 181c-186e)

16.40-17.20: Richard Parry: Causes and the Secret Doctrine: Theaetetus 156a-e


Parallel Session 11: Which Protagoras?/Protagoras Refuted? (Salón de Grados) Chair: Francesca Pentassuglio

16.00-16.40: Michele Corradi: “Se all’improvviso spuntasse fuori qui emergendo fino al collo…” (171d): lo spettro del sofista tra Protagora e Teeteto

16.40-17.20: Jenny Strandberg: How to Refute a Protagorean: Negotiating a Relativist and an Infallibilist Reading of the Peritrope Passage in the Theaetetus (170a-171c)


Parallel Session 12: Socrates’s Protagoras/Protagoras Refuted? (Seminario 217) Chair: André Rehbinder

16.00-16.40: Mateo Duque: Imitation (Mimēsis) as the Cleverest Form of Criticism: Socrates’ “Protagoras” in the Theaetetus (166a2–168c2)

16.40-17.20: Luca Pitteloud: Le relativisme se réfute-t-il lui-même ? Théétète 171a-b


17.30-18.30: Plenary Session 3:  Chair: Rafael Ferber

Barbara Sattler: Mathematical knowledge in Plato’s Theaetetus


18.30-19.00 Walking Tour to the Residence of the Ambassador of Greece (1.9 kms; 30 min walk)

NB: If you need a taxi, please book it in advance by your own. Address:  Avda. Miraflores, 15 (Madrid)




19.00-20.30: Reception at the Residence of the Ambassador of Greece Ms. Algaía Balta

Bus Service to the City Centre: Stop 1: Moncloa; Stop 2: Gran Via


Wednesday, May 7   


9.00-10.00: Plenary Sessions 1 (Paraninfo): Chair: Arnaud Macé

Anne Balansard: La digression du Théétète: la dernière réfutation de Protagoras


10.00-11.00: Plenary Session 2 (Paraninfo) Chair: Debra Nails

Mi-Kyoung (Mitzi) Lee: What Plato learned from Protagoras


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break


Parallel Session 1:  Maieutics (Paraninfo) Chair: Irmgard Männlein

11.30-12.10: Mario Regali: La metafora del parto nel Teeteto (149a-152a) e il philosophos della Repubblica (VI 490a-b): aporia, maieutica e sophia nella caratterizzazione di Socrate

12.10-12.50: Alessandro Stavrou: Contextualizing Midwifery: Theaet. 149a-151d


Parallel Session 2: On Free Time/Radical Flux (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Anna Motta

11.30-12.10: Dino de Sanctis: Proteggere il giusto tempo della φιλοσοφία: l’elogio della σχολή nel Teeteto (172d4-175b7)

12.10-12.50: Diego García Rincón: Alteration and Indeterminacy in Plato’s Critique of Radical Flux (Theaetetus 182d1–183b5)


Parallel Session 3: Flux vs. Natures (Salón de Grados) Chair: Richard Parry

11.30-12.10: Andrew Griffin: What Must the Materialists not Overhear and Why? A Reading of Theaetetus 151e-184b

12.10-12.50: Akira Kawashima: “Everywhere Seeking the Entire Nature of Each Whole of the Beings”: an Incarnate Philosopher at Work in the “Digression” of Plato’s Theaetetus 


Parallel Session 4: The Waxen Block/The Jury (Seminario 217) Chair: Thomas Tuozzo

11.30-12.10: Ludovica Medaglia: A model designed to be inadequate: the Waxen Block in Plato’s Theaetetus (191a8-196c7)

12.10-12.50: Vilius Bartninkas: The Jury Passage at Theaetetus 201a-c: A Pragmatic Solution


13.00-14.15:  Lunch


Free Afternoon


Thursday, May 8 


9.00-10.00: Plenary Session 1 (Paraninfo) Chair: Ed Halper

Mary Margaret McCabe (King’s College): How to do things with birds


10.00-11.00: Plenary Session 2 (Paraninfo) Chair: Elisabetta Cattanei

Laura Marongiu: ‘Catching a Pigeon instead of a Dove? The Import of Mathematical Mistakes in the Aviary (Theaetetus 195e1-196b6; 198a4-199b6)


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break


Parallel Session 1: On Evil and God (Paraninfo) Chair: Raúl Gutiérrez

11.40-12.20: Vasilis Politis: Evil and the soul in the ‘digression’ of the Theaetetus

12.20-13.00: Rafael Ferber: Assimilation to God” (homoiôsis theô(i)) in Theaetetus 176a9–b2 and Laws 792c4–d5


Parallel Session 2:  On Godlikeness (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Alessandro Stavrou

11.40-12.20: Ikko Tanaka, J.F.: Godlikeness and Justice: Contemplating Divine Standards in Civic Life

12.20-13.00: Piera De Piano: Sulla somiglianza, dell’uomo con il filosofo e del filosofo con dio (143e-144e; 176a-b)


Parallel Session 3: On Serious Laughing (Salón de Grados) Chair: Debra Nails

11.40-12.20: James Clay: Socratic inquiry and the Enslaved Thracian woman of the Theaetetus Digression

12.20-13.00: Marta Jiménez: Who is Laughable and Useless?: Experience of What Matters and the Defense of Philosophy in the Theaetetus Digression (172a1-177c4)


Parallel Session 4: On Virtues (Seminario 217) Chair: David Ebrey

11.40-12.20: Aditi Chaturvedi: The Role of the Digression in Plato’s Theaetetus: Models of Epistemic Virtues and the Social Dimensions of Knowledge

12.20-13.00: Federico Petrucci: The Virtue(s) of the ‘Theaetetus’: A Gradualistic Interpretation of the ‘Digression’ (172c3-177c2) 35


13.00-14.15 Lunch


Parallel Session 5: Plato’s Evolution (Paraninfo) Chair: Raúl Gutiérrez

14.20-15.00: Ivana Costa: Indicios del Platón post-socrático en la Digresión (172c-177c)

15.00-15.40: Flavia Palmieri:  ἐπιστήμη and αἴσθησις: From Plato’s Theaetetus to the Old Academy


Parallel Session 6: Heraclitus (Sala de Juntas): Filippo Forcignano

14.20-15.00: Max Bergamo: Heraclitus’ Theory of the Opposites in the Theaetetus   

15.00-15.40: Paolo Gigli: Socrates’ rejection of Heracliteanism: A step-by-step analysis of Tht. 182c3-183a8


Parallel Session 7: On the Achievements of Knowledge (Salón de Grados) Chair: Manfred Kraus

14.20-15.00: Guus Eelink: Thought and the Achievements of Knowledge (Theaetetus 184-186): on Attaining Being and Truth

15.00-15.40: Colin C. Smith: Being as KoinonTheaetetus 185a-186e


Parallel Session 8: The Theaetetus and other Eleatic Dialogues (Seminario 217) Chair: Gabriele Cornelli

14.20-15.00: Miquel Solans Blasco: La figura del filósofo entre el Teeteto y el Sofista

15.00-15.40: William Altman: The Theaetetus and Plato’s Trilogy


15.40-16.00: Short Coffee Break



Parallel Session 9: On Opinion, Experience and Persuasion (Paraninfo)

Chair: Mary-Louise Gill

16.00-16.40: Thomas Tuozzo: True Opinion in the Theaetetus

16.40-17.20: Beatrice Lienemann: Empirical and non-empirical knowledge in the Theaetetus (184b4-187a1)

17.20-18.00: Samuel Meister: Socrates against Knowledge by Persuasion (Theaetetus 200d5–201c6)


Parallel Session 10: The Wax Block Model (Salón de Grados) Chair: Anne Balansard

16.00-16.40: Arnaud Macé: La nature des actes et des choses dans le Théétète (156a-d ; 174a-175a ; 203a-204a)

16.40-17.20: Suzanne Polge: True opinion, knowledge and thought in the Wax Block Mod

17.20-18.00: Emma Ponce: The Wax Heart of the Soul in the Theaetetus, 194c-195a: A Critique of Empedocles’ Empiricism


Parallel Session 11: The Aviary Model (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Hua-kuei Ho

16.00-16.40: Francesca Pentassuglio:  What Model(s) of Paideia in the Theaetetetus? The Aviary and the ‘Transmissive’ Way of Teaching (198a10–b6)

16.40-17.20: Carlos Carvalhar:   The aviary metaphor as an Egyptian imagery

17.20-18.00: Yuji Kurihara: Self-Knowledge and Socratic Ignorance in Plato’s Theaetetus


Parallel Session 12: The Third Definition (Seminario 217) Chair: Lea Schroeder

16.00-16.40: Cesare Simone Astorino: Knowledge and Belief: The Example of the Jury (201a-c)

16.40-17.20: Alex Montag: Socrates’ Investigation of Logos: Theaetetus 201d-210c

17.20-18.00: Liu Kezhou: Plato and Structuralist Mereology: Theaetetus 201c-210b


18.15-19.45: General Assembly of the IPS (only Members: Paraninfo)


20.00-20.30: Walking Tour to the ‘Museo del Traje’ for Closing Dinner

(23 min: 1,7 kms)

NB: If you need a taxi, please book it in advance by your own.


20.30-22.30: Closing Dinner

22.30: Bus Service to the City Centre: Stop 1: Moncloa; Stop 2: Gran Via.


Friday, May 9


Plenary Session 1 (Paraninfo) Chair: Mary-Louise Gill

9.00-10.00: De Vogel Lecturer: Ronald Polansky (and Kelsey Ward): The Prospect of Definitive Interpretation of the Theaetetus


Plenary Session 2 (Paraninfo) Chair: Emanuelle Maffi

10.00-11.00: Franco Trabattoni: Sul Significato Complessivo del Teeteto


11.00-11.30: Coffee Break




Parallel Session 1: On Logos in the Third Definition (Paraninfo) Chair: Laura Marongiu

11.40-12.20: Lin Li: The third account of logos in the Theaetetus 208c4-210b3 in light of Platonic division and collection

12.20-13.00: Jeremy Bredin: Antisthenes and the meaning of λόγος in the third definition of the Theaetetus


Parallel Session 2: On Dreaming and Knowledge (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Carolina Araujo

11.40-12.20: Manfred Kraus: Dreams Are Ten a Penny? Socrates’ Dream (Tht. 201-202)

12.20-13.00: I-Kai Jeng: Wisdom as Knowledge of Problem-Solving: Theaetetus 201c7-206b12


Parallel Session 3: On Names (Seminario 217) Chair: Michele Corradi

11.40-12.20: Anna Pavani:  Names in the Theaetetus

12.20-13.00: Marco Donato: Prodicus in the Theaetetus


Parallel Session 4: On the Soul (Salón de Grados) Chair: Mitzi Lee

11.40-12.20: David Ebrey: The Theaetetus on the soul’s proper activity

12.20-13.00: Lea Schroeder: Memory and Perceptual Error at Theaetetus 191c-196c


13.00-14.15 Lunch


Parallel Session 5: The Third Definition (Paraninfo) Chair: Barbara Sattler

14.20-15.00: Emanuele Maffi: Why is the Theaetetus a response to the Meno? Some reflections on the connection between Theaetetus 201d-210d and Meno 97e2-98b5

15.00-15.40: Gonzalo Gamarra: The Philosophical Importance of Theaeatetus’s Mathematical Example in relation to Theaetetus 201c–210d


Parallel Session 6: The Anonymous (Salón de Grados) Chair: Harold Tarrant

14.20-15.00: Simonas Baliukonis: The Theaetetus’ Ethical Digression according to the Anonymous

15.00-15.40: Anna Motta: Come leggere il Teeteto: il prologo del Commento Anonimo al Teeteto 42


Parallel Session 7:  Plato, Proclus and Damascious (Sala de Juntas)

14.20-15.00: Claudia Gianturco: Atheon illud et tenebrosum, quod et in Theetito Socrates ostendit: la centralità e il significato della ricezione procliana di Theaet.  176 a 5-e 5 nel De Malorum Subsistentia (48, 9-26)

15.00-15.40: José María Zamora: Las gestaciones aporéticas en Damascio


15.40-16.00: Short Coffee Break


Parallel Session 9: The paradox of not knowing what we know (Paraninfo): Chair: José María Zamora

16.00-16.40: García Baró: La imposibilidad del conocimiento que ya poseemos


Parallel Session 10: Plato and Aristotle (Sala de Juntas) Chair: Marcelo Boeri

16.00-16.40: Cristina Rossitto: Sulla terminologia del sapere fra il Teeteto e Aristotele


Parallel Session 11: Plato and Wittgenstein (Salón de Grados) Chair: Santiago Chame

16.00-16.40: Chiara Salamone: Sums, Wholes and Analysis in Theaetet. 203c-205e and in Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations


Parallel Session 12: Plato and the Hermetica (Seminario 217) Chair: Sonsoles Costero

16.00-16.40: Jorge Cano Cuenca: La recepción de la huida del mundo (Teeteto 176a-177c) en los Hermetica


16.45-17.45: Closing Plenary Session (Paraninfo): Chair: Alberto Bernabé

Harold Tarrant: Plato, Papyri and Secret Doctrine


17.45-19.00: Farewell Reception at the Faculty of Philosophy (Cafetería de Profesores)


19.00-20.00: Chryssa Georganta: Proagon

“The incredible story of desperate Iris and her comforting father Thaumas” (Paraninfo)





Read the full article which is published on International Plato Society (external link)



What is Disagreement?

What is Disagreement?

This is Part 1 of a 4-part series on the academic, and specifically philosophical study of disagreement. In this series...

    INTERNATIONAL PLATO SOCIETY   XIV SYMPOSIUM PLATONICUM   Facultad de Filosofía Universidad Complutense de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria Campus...