2025.03.12 : View this Review Online | View Recent NDPR Reviews
Deborah Boyle, Mary Shepherd: A Guide, Oxford University Press, 2023, 344pp., $34.99 (pbk), ISBN 9780190090333.
Reviewed by Louise Daoust, Eckerd College
It is notable that Deborah Boyle’s guide to Mary Shepherd’s work appears as part of the Oxford Guides to Philosophy—a series that aims to present concise and accessible introductions to “the most important primary texts in the history of philosophy” (ii). Even a decade ago, close to no philosophers or historians of philosophy would have recognized Shepherd’s name.[1] Over the past several years, however, the situation has changed drastically. Prominent experts studying early modern and modern thinkers now see Shepherd as vital to our histories of ideas. Many others now regularly teach her works in undergraduate and graduate classrooms. And the secondary literature is expanding rapidly.
Last year marked the two hundredth anniversary of the publication of Shepherd’s Essay upon the Relation of…
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