A nuclear capitalist future
A nuclear capitalist future




Decarbonising our energy supply is vital to achieving net-zero and while we have made great strides in deploying renewables, satiating our growing energy needs requires radical thinking. In this response to a prior article published here 'The End of Oppenheimer's . . .

Decarbonising our energy supply is vital to achieving net-zero and while we have made great strides in deploying renewables, satiating our growing energy needs requires radical thinking. In this response to a prior article published here ‘The End of Oppenheimer’s Dream’ by Allison Macfarlane, Jan Emblemsvåg argues far from resigning nuclear to the past, the new technology of small modular reactors finally allows nuclear to exploit Fordist capitalism, and with it, potentially save our energy crisis. Professor Allison Macfarlane discusses in these pages the state of Small Modular Reactors (SMR), and overall she draws a pessimistic picture even arguing that SMRs are ‘supported by ideology alone’. She has many valid points in her article, but to cut across all the roughly 100 different SMR concepts with a single, broad stroke is too simple. Also, what about all the small nuclear power plants operating around today? Sure, many of these concepts will have licensing …

Read the full article which is published on IAI TV (external link)



What is Disagreement?

What is Disagreement?

This is Part 1 of a 4-part series on the academic, and specifically philosophical study of disagreement. In this series...



[Revised entry by Laurence R. Horn and Heinrich Wansing on March 11, 2025. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html, substructural.html,...

The Sophists

The Sophists

[Revised entry by C.C.W. Taylor and Mi-Kyoung Lee on March 10, 2025. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] The Greek word...