APA Announces Winners of 14 Prizes
APA Announces Winners of 14 Prizes




The American Philosophical Association (APA) has announced the winners of 14 of its prizes.

Below are the prizes and their winners (and when available, comments from the judges):

2022 Article Prize — for the best, published article by a younger scholar in the previous two years ($2000)
Sarah Moss (University of Michigan), “Pragmatic Encroachment and Legal Proof” (Philosophical Issues, 2021)
From the selection committee: In “Pragmatic Encroachment and Legal Proof” Sarah Moss argues that the issue of pragmatic encroachment, or the degree to which one’s belief constitutes knowledge given the consequences of acting upon that belief, raises a fundamental problem regarding American trial procedure. If pragmatic factors can matter to knowledge possession the question of whether the standard of legal proof, i.e. knowledge, is met by a particular jury in a criminal trial may depend, crucially, on what is at stake. Here, Moss contends, lies the problem. For relevant stakes in criminal trials include the consequences to be faced by the defendant if found guilty—yet this information is typically withheld from jurors in criminal trials. There is hence good reason to share information regarding consequences of verdicts with jurors. Moss also discusses what kinds of considerations are relevant to the question of whether to institute legal reform, and if undertaken how such reform might be accomplished. This article is an exemplary instance of applied epistemology. It is to be commended for using theoretical developments in epistemology to raise a fundamental issue concerning American legal practice, and for doing so in a manner that is rigorous, clear, and compelling while also being accessible to specialists and non-specialists alike.

2022 Prize for Excellence in Philosophy Teaching — recognizes a philosophy teacher who has had a profound impact on the student learning of philosophy in undergraduate and/or pre-college settings ($1000 + plaque)
Alida Liberman (Southern Methodist University)
From the selection committee: Dr. Alida Liberman is a dedicated and highly regarded teacher of philosophy at Southern Methodist University, where she is an Associate Professor of Philosophy. Student testimonials suggest that she is regarded not only as one of the best teachers at the university, but one of the best teachers her students have ever encountered. Dr. Liberman has published her work on pedagogy in Teaching PhilosophyAAPT Studies in Pedagogy, and The Blog of the APA. She has given several successful presentations on teaching for the APA and the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT). For 2023 and 2024, she is a co-organizer for the AAPT/APA Teaching Hub at the Central Division APA Meetings in Denver and New Orleans. Her status as a national leader in philosophy education is reflected in her many invitations to give workshops on philosophy pedagogy at a number of colleges and universities. She developed the first workshop on inclusive pedagogy for the AAPT. Dr. Liberman advises the Southern Methodist University Philosophy Club, and she will be an elected Board Member of the AAPT beginning in 2023.

2022 Philip L. Quinn Prize — in recognition of service to philosophy and philosophers ($2500 + plaque)
Virginia Held (CUNY Graduate Center)
From Dominic McIver Lopes, chair of the APA board of officers: Virginia Held is celebrated across philosophy for her trailblazing contributions to the ethics of care. Correcting an overemphasis on impartiality, she has put caring relations and responsibilities front and center in contemporary ethics. Tributes to the power of her ideas include a Fulbright Fellowship, a Distinguished Woman Philosopher Award, the Hunter College Presidential Award, and election to the Presidency of the APA’s Eastern Division. At the same time, she has modeled how a caring disposition can transform the practice of philosophy. Time and again, never calling special attention to herself, she has been there for generations of junior philosophers, ready to offer them encouragement and insight, helping them to navigate the sexism that riddled the profession, demonstrating how to persevere with quiet dignity, good sense, and compelling arguments. For her contributions to knowledge and for the ideal of mentorship that she personifies, the American Philosophical Association is delighted to award Virginia Held the 2022 Philip L. Quinn Prize.

2023 John Dewey Lectures — given by prominent and senior (typically retired) philosophers associated with each Division of the APA, who is invited to reflect broadly and in an autobiographical spirit on philosophy in America as seen from the perspective of a personal intellectual journey ($1000)

Eastern: Howard McGary (Rutgers University)
From the selection committee: Howard McGary received his PhD from the University of Minnesota and is a distinguished professor emeritus at Rutgers University. He was the founder and former director of the Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy. Most of his research has focused on an examination of liberalism and problems concerning theories of compensatory justice, collective responsibility, and distributive justice, especially as these theories relate to persons who have experienced (or are experiencing) discrimination and subjugation. In 2021 he was the Uheiro Lecturer at Oxford University (postponed due to pandemic until fall of 2022). The Eastern Division is honored to have him share his perspective on philosophy in America at the 2023 Dewey Lecture.
Central: Eleonore Stump (Saint Louis University)
From the selection committee: Eleonore Stump is one of the world’s leaders in medieval philosophy, the philosophy of religion, and metaphysics. During her long and distinguished career—for 30 years at Saint Louis University—she has written ten books and hundreds of articles in these areas, both about their history (Aquinas, Augustine, Boethius) and about various specific topics (atonement, suffering, eternity, freedom). She was the President of the Central Division of the APA, served on the National Executive Board of the APA, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Pacific: Ann Garry (California State University, Los Angeles)
From the selection committee: One of the founding generation of feminist philosophers, Garry’s research interests in feminist philosophy range widely. They include feminist approaches to epistemology and philosophical methods, particularly the intersection of feminist philosophy and analytic philosophy, as well as moral and social topics such as pornography, abortion, feminist analyses of sexuality, etc. Currently she focuses on intersectional frameworks. She co-edited Women, Knowledge, and Reality: Explorations in Feminist Philosophy and the special issue of Hypatia, “Transgender Studies and Feminism: Theory, Politics, and Gender Realities.” She served as Interim Editor of Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy with Serene Khader and Alison Stone, and also co-edited The Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy (2017) with them. She was chosen by SWIP in 2021 as the Distinguished Woman Philosopher.

2023 Sanders Lecture — presented annually at a divisional meeting of the APA on a topic in philosophy of mind, metaphysics, or epistemology that engages the analytic tradition ($3500 + travel expenses)
Jonathan Schaffer (Rutgers University, New Brunswick)

2022 K. Jon Barwise Prize — for significant and sustained contributions to areas relevant to philosophy and computing by an APA member (plaque, keynote talk)
John Etchemendy (Stanford University)

2023 Fred Berger Memorial Prize — for an outstanding published article in philosophy of law by an APA member ($500 + symposium)
John Oberdiek (Rutgers University School of Law), “The Wrong in Negligence” (Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2021)
From the selection committee: Professor Oberdiek’s closely argued paper suggests that the wrongness of actions that constitute a tort is wholly grounded in the agent’s breach of a duty of care that the agent owes to the person harmed. Any material harm done is not strictly speaking necessary for the action in question to be wrong. This puts the view at odds with more orthodox relational justifications of torts as well as with purely instrumental justifications. The committee was impressed with both the strength of the argument and the quality of the writing.

2023 de Gruyter Kant Lecture — Kant Lecture Series to be open to a broad approach to Kantian philosophy across the philosophical disciplines ($1500 + travel)
Hannah Ginsborg (UC Berkeley)

2022 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought — for the best unpublished, English-language, philosophical essay in Latin American thought ($500)
Paula Landerreche Cardillo (DePaul University), “The Theater of Knowledge at the Zero-Point as a Colonial Enterprise: Santiago Castro-Gómez’s Engagement with Kant”
From the selection committee: The APA Committee on Hispanics/Latinxs in Philosophy is pleased to award the 2022 Essay Prize in Latin American Thought to Paula Landerreche Cardillo for her essay, “The Theater of Knowledge at the Zero-Point as a Colonial Enterprise: Santiago Castro-Gómez’s Engagement with Kant.” The Committee commends Dr. Landerreche Cardillo for her excellent contribution, which we found innovative, rigorous, and the very best representative English-language essay in Latin American Thought of 2022.

Honorable Mention: Juan Garcia Torres (Wingate University), “Decolonizing the Mind and Authentic Self-Creation a la Jorge Portilla”
Honorable Mention: Saraliza Anzaldua (University of California-Los Angeles), “Mexica Monism and Daoist Ethics: Trauma Recovery in Anzaldua’s Spirituality, Sexuality, and the Body”

2023 William James Prize — for the best paper in the area of American philosophy that is both (a) written by a philosopher who received their PhD within five years of the beginning of the calendar year in which the paper is submitted, or is a graduate student, and (b) accepted for inclusion in the Eastern Division program by the program committee through the normal process of anonymous-reviewing ($300)
Hannah Widmaier (UCLA), “Civic Obligations Among Victims of Injustice: On Shelby’s Idea of Reciprocity”

2022 Alvin Plantinga Prize — for original essays that engage philosophical issues about or in substantial ways related to theism (first place: $10,000; honorable mentions: $5000)
David Vander Laan (Westmont College), “Satisfaction in the End without End” (Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, 2022)

Honorable Mention: Yoaav Isaacs (Baylor University), John Hawthorne (University of Southern California and Australian Catholic University), and Jeffrey Sanford Russell (University of Southern California), “Multiple Universes and Self-Locating Evidence” (Philosophical Review, 2022)

2023 Patrick Romanell Lecture — for work on “philosophical naturalism” ( $1200 + expenses)
Stephen Stich (Rutgers University)
From the selection committee: Stephen Stich is the 2023 Romanell Lecturer in philosophical naturalism. Stich’s numerous contributions to philosophy extend across philosophy of cognitive science and linguistics, philosophy of mind, epistemology, and philosophy of language. At each step, he has sought to consider the implications of the latest and best empirical work upon philosophical questions and methods. In recent decades, he has been crucial in initiating a turn to experimental work in philosophy. Stich conducted crucial experiments, spurred the subsequent examination of philosophical methodology, and mentored many of the other philosophers who participated. The result is a body of work that is both deeply philosophical and closely informed by a naturalistic conception of humanity’s place in the world.

2022 Public Philosophy Op-Ed Contest — for the best opinion-editorials published by philosophers ($100)

Max Khan Hayward (The University of Sheffield), “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry! No, Really” (The Atlantic, 2021)
Milena Ivanova (The University of Cambridge), “The Beautiful Experiment” (Aeon, 2021)
A. Minh Nguyen (Florida Gulf Coast University), “When Your Daughter Is Told ‘Your Face Is Not American’” (The News-Press, 2021)
Nathan Nobis (Morehouse College) and Jonathan Dudley (Johns Hopkins), “Why the case against abortion is weak, ethically speaking” (Salon, 2021)
Lisa Forsberg (Oxford University) and Anthony Skelton (University of Western Ontario), “3 reasons for making COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for children” (The Conversation, 2021)

2023 Sanders Graduate Student Awards — three prizes; awarded to the best papers in mind, metaphysics, epistemology, or ethics submitted for the annual APA Eastern Division meeting by graduate students ($1000)

Michael Luoma (Queen’s University), “Territorial rights and restitution: the limits of forwards—and backwards—looking theories”
Ryan Miller (University of Geneva), “Artifacts: Ontology as Easy as it Gets”
Sara Purinton (The University of Pennsylvania), “Disability and Diachronic Agency: Fluctuating Abilities, Fluctuating Values”

For more information, visit the APA’s site.

(via Erin Shepherd)

Originally appeared on Daily Nous Read More



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