2025.03.6 : View this Review Online | View Recent NDPR Reviews
Aristotle: Topics, Book VI, Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Annamaria Schiaparelli, Clarendon Press, 2023, 385pp., $115.00 (hbk), ISBN 97800199609758.
Reviewed by Colin Guthrie King, Providence College
Annamaria Schiaparelli has provided readers with a reliable translation and an informative commentary for book six of the Topics, the book in which Aristotle speaks at length on definition and how it may be (truly) predicated. As the core books of the Topics (i.e., books II–VII) have not been explored very much at all in the English-language commentary literature, this is a most welcome event. Much could be said about this book of the Topics and its place in Aristotle’s theory of definition and essential predication. Here I will limit myself to remarks on what one might hope to learn philosophically from reading Topics VI, how Schiaparelli develops the material in her commentary and handles its difficulties, and what this volume contributes to the state of current…
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