Brian Eno: creativity and the future
Brian Eno: creativity and the future




Brian Eno is one of the most decorated musicians of his generation. More than this though, he is considered a pioneer within the artistic community. His exploration of different mediums, genres and technologies is indicative of his undying curiosity to . . .

Brian Eno is one of the most decorated musicians of his generation. More than this though, he is considered a pioneer within the artistic community. His exploration of different mediums, genres and technologies is indicative of his undying curiosity to explore the boundaries of art, and how it can function in the world. In this exclusive interview for the IAI, Eno unpacks the nature of art, and how it is best mobilised as a tool for inspiring social and political change The mixing of ‘Art’ and ‘Progress’ makes for a curious potion. When we consider the latter term, we tend to associate it with technological advancement, or perhaps the promotion of liberal values within society. Yet with art it seems a bit harder to decipher. From one perspective, we can examine the capacity of art as a tool for making social and political progress. Artists can often serve as powerful voices for social causes and help to make vivid the most sobering of truths. Another …

Read the full article which is published on IAI TV (external link)



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What is Disagreement?

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Martin Heidegger

Martin Heidegger

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APA Member Interview: Derek Estes

APA Member Interview: Derek Estes

Derek Estes teaches philosophy and theology in Pepperdine University’s Religion and Philosophy Division. He is also in his final year...