Cool Stuff from IAI on Consciousness, Kahneman, Cottingham, and Coronavirus




Our friends at The Institute of Art and Ideas have released a number of new talks, debates, and articles. Check them out below.

  • Jan Westerhoff’s interview on the philosophy of perception here
  • An online debate on the morality of the pandemic here
  • ‘Why are we conscious? article here
  • ‘Strange allure of borders’ here
  • Our debate on reason and the right way to think here
  • A history of the conscious world here
  • Our debate ‘Living Dangerously’ with Daniel Kahneman and Steven Pinker on individual’s and society’s ability to mitigate risk here
  • Our article ‘The Transcendental self’ by John Cottingham on the changing nature of the self here
  • Our debate ‘Media, responsibility and a good story’ on the ethics of coronavirus coverage here
  • Our article ‘The future of race relations’ by Paul Morland on demography and migration here



Embracing Kindness

Embracing Kindness

You don’t often see thinkers dedicating more than passing remarks against veganism. After all, being kind to animals is not...

Liberty, Democracy, Justice

The first stanza of William Butler Yeats’ much quoted poem, “The Second Coming,” contains the words: “Things fall apart, the...

Liberty, Democracy, Justice

The first stanza of William Butler Yeats’ much quoted poem, “The Second Coming,” contains the words: “Things fall apart, the...

Liberty, Democracy, Justice

The first stanza of William Butler Yeats’ much quoted poem, “The Second Coming,” contains the words: “Things fall apart, the...