Fittingness: Essays in the Philosophy of Normativity
Fittingness: Essays in the Philosophy of Normativity




2025.03.9 : View this Review Online | View Recent NDPR Reviews

Rach Cosker-Rowland and Christopher Howard (eds.), Fittingness: Essays in the Philosophy of Normativity, Oxford University Press, 2023, 418pp., $135.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780192895882.

Reviewed by James Fritz, Virginia Commonwealth University

This exciting volume brings together seventeen new essays that contribute to a burgeoning philosophical discussion of fittingness. Its editors, Rach Cosker-Rowland and Christopher Howard, express an interest in providing one of the first book-length examinations of fittingness. In that, they’ve succeeded; this collection, a smorgasbord of cutting-edge work, includes essential material for any researcher working on fittingness.

A volume of this sort resists summary; given the number and diversity of its offerings, I can’t engage seriously with each one here. Instead, I’ll note a few recurring themes that emerge within the book, saying something about each author’s contribution along the way.

Let’s start by getting our topic in view. What is fittingness? There is no uncontroversial answer to this question: indeed, the contributors to this…

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