JESP to Pause New Submissions
JESP to Pause New Submissions




The Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (JESP) will temporarily stop accepting new submissions on November 1st.

Executive Editor Mark Schroeder (USC) writes that the moratorium on submissions will allow the editorial team, which has grown considerably since the journal’s founding in 2005, to catch up on its backlog of submissions. Currently, the journal has twelve associate editors, a discussion notes editor, an executive editor, a managing editor, a volunteer typesetter, and three copyeditors. Despite this growth, Professor Schroeder says:

Over this time, we have failed—by which I mean, I have personally failed—to keep our copyediting staff growing sufficiently fast to keep up with the volume of accepted papers, and our backlog of accepted papers awaiting copyediting and publication has grown to unacceptably long. The moratorium on new submissions will not immediately slow the growth of this backlog, because we will continue to accept papers submitted over the past months, but it will give us an opportunity to start to catch up as we bring on new copyeditors to share this work as quickly as we are able.  JESP will re-open for new submissions as soon as we are once again fully on top of our copyediting and publication queue—and by May 1st, 2023 at the latest.

He adds:

We don’t take this move lightly, as we are well aware of the shortage of good venues to publish all of the great new work in moral, social, legal, and political philosophy, and the lengths to which many younger scholars entering the field must go to publish their work. But at this time we believe that taking this brief hiatus from new submissions is the best way to protect the future of the journal and ensure that JESP can continue to provide a model for completely open-access, university-funded publication far into the future. 

The full announcement is here.

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Originally appeared on Daily Nous Read More



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