[Revised entry by Marjolein Degenaar and Gert-Jan Lokhorst on November 23, 2021.
Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html]
On 7 July 1688 the Irish scientist and politician William Molyneux (1656 – 1698) sent a letter to John Locke in which he put forward a problem which was to awaken great interest among philosophers and other scientists throughout the Enlightenment and up until the present day. In brief, the question Molyneux asked was whether a man who has been born blind and who has learnt to distinguish and name a globe and a cube by touch, would be able to distinguish and name these objects simply by sight, once he had been enabled to see….
Changes to: Main text, Bibliography, notes.html]
On 7 July 1688 the Irish scientist and politician William Molyneux (1656 – 1698) sent a letter to John Locke in which he put forward a problem which was to awaken great interest among philosophers and other scientists throughout the Enlightenment and up until the present day. In brief, the question Molyneux asked was whether a man who has been born blind and who has learnt to distinguish and name a globe and a cube by touch, would be able to distinguish and name these objects simply by sight, once he had been enabled to see….
News source: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Post Views: 176