More openness around suicide could help prevent it
More openness around suicide could help prevent it




Our attempts to prevent suicide as a society are actually making it more prevalent. With the "End of Life" bill vote taking place in the UK this Friday, theorist Alexandre Baril argues in opposition that we need to take a . . .

Our attempts to prevent suicide as a society are actually making it more prevalent. With the “End of Life” bill vote taking place in the UK this Friday, theorist Alexandre Baril argues in opposition that we need to take a wider and more theoretical approach to suicide, thinking of the suicidal in general rather than only the old/terminally ill. We need to change the current system which penalises the suicidal for speaking out about their ideation. We must care for the suicidal person themselves, not focus on protecting an abstract and general notion of ‘life’.  I have wanted to die so many times in my life that it has led me to turn to the question of suicide as a philosophical, academic, and political question. In this article I will present what I know to be the unorthodox conclusion of my musings, both personal and systemic. I must immediately note that my desire to platform those who are suicidal in no way assigns a positive value on the act of suicide its…

Read the full article which is published on IAI TV (external link)



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