New Journal: Philosophy of Physics
New Journal: Philosophy of Physics




The Philosophy of Physics Society is launching a new journal: Philosophy of Physics.

Philosophy of Physics (PoP) “aims to be a flagship journal for the field and to span the various different axes of philosophy of physics: metaphysical, historical, mathematical, practice-oriented (and more). It is intended for all researchers in philosophy of physics and for interested readers in cognate disciplines, including outside philosophy.”

The journal’s editor-in-chief is David Wallace (Pittsburgh) and its associate editors are Hans Halvorson (Princeton) and Katherine Brading (Duke). You can see the list of editorial board members here.

PoP is open-access. Publication of articles is free, and authors retain the copyright to their work (under a Creative Commons license). Additionally, the journal explicitly allows submissions of work that have been previously posted online: “The journal is happy to accept submissions of articles that have been loaded onto preprint servers or personal websites, have been presented at conferences, or other informal communication channels. These formats will not be deemed prior publication.” The journal also allows authors to deposit draft versions of their article, once accepted, into a suitable preprint server, provided certain conditions agreed to. More generally, the journal seems oriented towards openness, asking authors to:

“make all data associated with their submission openly available” (or explain why they’re not)
“publish detailed descriptions of their structured methods in open, online platforms such as
“upload [any programming code, algorithms, etc. used in the research] into Code Ocean, where it will be hosted on an open, cloud-based computational reproducibility platform”
“specify funding sources”.

The journal website makes clear its double-anonymous review procedure (authors and reviewers don’t know each other’s identities), but also gives authors the options of suggesting the journal ask specific persons—or refrain from asking specific persons—to review their paper:

Authors are invited to make suggestions as to who would be appropriate experts to peer review your submission. Suggested reviewers should not be at the author’s current institution or otherwise have a conflict of interest. For each suggested reviewer, authors must include the institutional affiliation, an institutional email address, and a brief note as to why they would be an appropriate choice. If making any recommendations, please make at least three recommendations. Philosophy of Physics does not make any commitment to use reviewers whom are suggested and will normally seek at least one review from a reviewer not on this list.

In exceptional circumstances you may also give names of reviewers who you think should be avoided. Only do so if there are specific and significant reasons (which you should briefly state) why a reviewer would be inappropriate and if those reasons will not be apparent to the editors. Philosophy of Physics does not make any commitment to honor requests for exclusion.

Further information about the journal’s editorial policies are here.

Philosophy of Physics is published by LSE Press. Submissions to it are now open.


Originally appeared on Daily Nous Read More



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