New Publishing Arrangements for “Thought: A Journal of Philosophy”
New Publishing Arrangements for “Thought: A Journal of Philosophy”




Crispin Wright (NYU), one of the editors of Thought, tells us that the journal has a new publisher and is moving to an open access arrangement.

He writes:

Thought is back up and running and invites new submissions.

We are delighted to announce that the Thought Trust has now concluded new publishing arrangements with the Philosophy Documentation Centre. We are most grateful to have the opportunity of continuing production of the journal.

We would like to take the opportunity to record our thanks to Eric Piper and the team at John Wiley Inc. for their role in bringing Thought into existence just over a decade (and just under 400 published original articles) ago, and for their sustained high standards in its production hitherto. We are confident that the PDC will maintain those high standards going forward. 

We would also like to make special mention of and express our gratitude to our authors who have been infinitely patient whilst the change in publisher has been underway. During this period, our systems have moved very much slower than the normal Thought processes, frustratingly for all concerned. We are exceptionally grateful for your patience and understanding throughout. 

Our submissions and editorial processes are going to remain unaltered, but one significant change is that Thought will now be an Open Access journal. The PDC will collect a fee of US$1500 for publication of each article. Authors of accepted papers should note that, in cases where they have no recourse to funds to meet this cost from their own institutions, research sponsors, or other outside source, the Thought Trust itself and generously, the PDC, will make every effort to cover the costs of publication.

The move to open access includes the journal’s previously published articles. You can check out the journal at its new home here.

Originally appeared on Daily Nous Read More



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