Newcomb’s Paradox




“There are two boxes in front of you. One, a transparent box, has $10,000 in it that you can see, and the other, an opaque box, has either $0 or $1,000,000 in it. You can choose to take both boxes or you can choose to take only the opaque box. However, a very successful Predictor has made a prediction as to whether you will take the opaque box only (one-box) or both boxes (two-box). In accordance with its prediction, it has placed $0 in the opaque box if it has predicted that you will two-box, or it has placed $1,000,000 in the opaque box if it has predicted that you will one-box. You know all of this information. Do you one-box or two-box, that is, do you take the opaque box only, or do you take both boxes?” [usercontrol: ~/user controls/poll.ascx PollId=d6b4e8ad-92a3-4e75-ac70-e92c37162f12]

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Embracing Kindness

Embracing Kindness

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The first stanza of William Butler Yeats’ much quoted poem, “The Second Coming,” contains the words: “Things fall apart, the...

Liberty, Democracy, Justice

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Liberty, Democracy, Justice

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