Teaching Philosophy with Thought Experiments, Jabran Amanat-Lee
Teaching Philosophy with Thought Experiments, Jabran Amanat-Lee




I am in the business of teaching philosophy and I have taught different kinds of students from many different backgrounds with different kinds of attitudes toward philosophy in my undergraduate classes. As a philosophy teacher, I am curious about philosophy . . .

I am in the business of teaching philosophy and I have taught different kinds of students from many different backgrounds with different kinds of attitudes toward philosophy in my undergraduate classes. As a philosophy teacher, I am curious about philosophy pedagogy in general and have spoken to many in the business about philosophy teaching-related topics. Almost […]

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What is Disagreement?

What is Disagreement?

This is Part 1 of a 4-part series on the academic, and specifically philosophical study of disagreement. In this series...

APA Member Interview: Derek Estes

APA Member Interview: Derek Estes

Derek Estes teaches philosophy and theology in Pepperdine University’s Religion and Philosophy Division. He is also in his final year...