The absurdity of mind as machine
The absurdity of mind as machine




Our inability to explain consciousness and intentionality is an entirely modern problem. Before the modern epoch, very few would have thought it sensible to ask whether it was the soul or the organism to which mental acts belonged, argues David . . .

Our inability to explain consciousness and intentionality is an entirely modern problem. Before the modern epoch, very few would have thought it sensible to ask whether it was the soul or the organism to which mental acts belonged, argues David Bentley Hart. Since every attempt to fit mental phenomena into a physicalist narrative must prove a failure, we should consider revising our governing physicalist paradigm. Despite rumors to the contrary, there is no such thing as an empirical science of consciousness. Nor could there be. There are, of course, cognitive sciences, and our knowledge of the correlations between certain mental states and certain brain states is advancing at a fairly persistent pace. But correlation is not causation; and here the two sides of the correlation are so qualitatively unlike one another that all that empirical investigation can tell us is that minds and bodies are not functionally separable in our normal experience (which, frankly…

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What is Disagreement?

What is Disagreement?

This is Part 1 of a 4-part series on the academic, and specifically philosophical study of disagreement. In this series...

Existentialist Aesthetics

Existentialist Aesthetics

[Revised entry by Jean-Philippe Deranty on February 27, 2025. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] Many of the philosophers commonly described...



[Revised entry by Richard Kraut on February 26, 2025. Changes to: Bibliography] Behavior is normally described as altruistic when it...

The two-draft assignment model

The two-draft assignment model

In my philosophy courses, I largely give take-home writing assignments. These are either focused on the course readings (no research...