“The Great Man in his teaching is like the shadow that follows a form, the echo that follows a sound….”




“The Great Man in his teaching is like the shadow that follows a form, the echo that follows a sound. Only when questioned does he answer, and then he pours out all his thoughts, making himself the companion of the world. He dwells in the echoless, moves in the directionless, takes by the hand you who are rushing and bustling back and forth and proceeds to wander in the beginningless. He passes in and out of the boundless and is ageless as the sun. His face and form blend with the Great Unity, the Great Unity that is selfless. Being selfless, how then can he look on possession as possession? He who fixed his eyes on possession — he was the “gentleman” of ancient times. He who fixes his eyes on nothingness — he is the true friend of Heaven and earth.”

Zhuangzi, The Complete Works of Zhuangzi, Watson tr. (Ch 11)

Originally appeared on Philosophy Bits Read More



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