The Mystery of Consciousness Shows There May Be a Limit to What Science Alone Can Achieve
The Mystery of Consciousness Shows There May Be a Limit to What Science Alone Can Achieve




Last week, our Substack newsletter featured an interview between Philip Goff and the APA Blog's Philosophy and Technology Editor, Charlie Taben. They discussed Philip's argument for cosmic purpose, drawing on contemporary cosmology and cutting-edge philosophical research. You can read the . . .

Last week, our Substack newsletter featured an interview between Philip Goff and the APA Blog’s Philosophy and Technology Editor, Charlie Taben. They discussed Philip’s argument for cosmic purpose, drawing on contemporary cosmology and cutting-edge philosophical research. You can read the full discussion here. To receive exclusive interviews and updates from our editorial team, don’t forget […]

Read the full article which is published on APA Online (external link)



What is Disagreement?

What is Disagreement?

This is Part 1 of a 4-part series on the academic, and specifically philosophical study of disagreement. In this series...

Living in Constitutional Moments

Living in Constitutional Moments

Legal theorist Richard Sherwin discusses the emotional and axiological excess underneath the passion to change constitutions.