The new space age needs a new politics
The new space age needs a new politics




A new space age has begun. But how do we prevent geopolitical tensions on Earth from spilling over into space? Nayef Al-Rodhan argues that with over 200 launches taking place in 2024, the creation of the United States Space Force, . . .

A new space age has begun. But how do we prevent geopolitical tensions on Earth from spilling over into space? Nayef Al-Rodhan argues that with over 200 launches taking place in 2024, the creation of the United States Space Force, and with a potential, human-manned mission to Mars upcoming, we need a new politics of space for the new space age. Al-Rodhan argues, due to the harshness of space, individual rights in space must trump the rights of nations. While ownership claims, say for Mars, cannot be made purely on the basis of who gets there first. The idea of space colonisation is no longer confined to the realm of science fiction. Last month, NASA launched a $5.2 billion mission to explore Jupiter’s icy moon, which could have…

Read the full article which is published on IAI TV (external link)



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