The Other Scholasticism: the Heirs of Avicenna
The Other Scholasticism: the Heirs of Avicenna




Unless you follow the field closely, you probably aren’t aware of a major shift in scholarship on philosophy in the Islamic world. Since the turn of the century, experts on this topic have been increasingly interested in what happened after . . .

Unless you follow the field closely, you probably aren’t aware of a major shift in scholarship on philosophy in the Islamic world. Since the turn of the century, experts on this topic have been increasingly interested in what happened after what one might call the “classical” or “formative” period. By this I mean, roughly, the […]

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What is Disagreement?

What is Disagreement?

This is Part 1 of a 4-part series on the academic, and specifically philosophical study of disagreement. In this series...

Martin Heidegger

Martin Heidegger

[New Entry by Mark Wrathall on January 31, 2025.] [Editor’s Note: The following new entry by Mark Wrathall replaces the...

APA Member Interview: Derek Estes

APA Member Interview: Derek Estes

Derek Estes teaches philosophy and theology in Pepperdine University’s Religion and Philosophy Division. He is also in his final year...