The Sophists
The Sophists




[Revised entry by C.C.W. Taylor and Mi-Kyoung Lee on March 10, 2025.
Changes to: Main text, Bibliography]
The Greek word sophistēs, formed from the noun sophia, ‘wisdom’ or ‘learning’, has the general sense ‘one who exercises wisdom or learning’. As sophia could designate specific types of expertise as well as general sagacity in the conduct of life and the higher kinds of insight associated with seers and poets, the word originally meant ‘sage’ or ‘expert’. In the course of the fifth century BCE the term, while retaining its original unspecific sense,…

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What is Disagreement?

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The Sophists

The Sophists

[Revised entry by C.C.W. Taylor and Mi-Kyoung Lee on March 10, 2025. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] The Greek word...

The Sale of Human Organs

The Sale of Human Organs

[Revised entry by Stephen Wilkinson on March 10, 2025. Changes to: Main text, Bibliography] Organ sale – for example, allowing...