Welcome to the German site!
Welcome to the German site!




Are you a German speaker? If so, we now offer a subset of Daily Philosophy articles in German at the address: Leave a comment to tell us how you like it and what we can improve. If you like . . .

Are you a German speaker? If so, we now offer a subset of Daily Philosophy articles in German at the address:

Leave a comment to tell us how you like it and what we can improve.

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We are happy to announce that Daily Philosophy will from now on be available in German, in addition to the international, English-language site.

Since these are still the early days of the German site, only a few articles have been translated, but we are working daily on more and hope, eventually, to have most articles available in German.

We know that some places, like menus, dates, headers and footers and so on, might not yet all appear correctly in German; be assured that we are working on those, but it may take a few months to get everything sorted out. Until then, you can already read all the articles that have been translated by either:

If you encounter any issues, please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page that causes the problem, and we’ll examine it!

Many thanks and Willkommen auf Deutsch!

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Cover image by Sangga Rima Roman Selia on Unsplash.

Read the full article which is published on Daily Philosophy (external link)



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