Call for Book Proposals: Studies in Brain and Mind




Studies in Brain and Mind is a book series published by Springer.  It covers all areas in which philosophy and neuroscience intersect: philosophy of mind, philosophy of neuroscience, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of psychiatry, neurophilosophy, and neuroethics.

Under the previous editor, John Bickle, the series published several high quality books (see: for a list, but the series was inactive in recent years. The series is now being relaunched with a new Editor-in-Chief (yours truly) and Editorial Board: 

  • Berit Brogaard (UM St Louis)
  • Carl Craver (Wash U)
  • Eduoard Machery (Pitt)
  • Oron Shagrir (Hebrew University in Jerusalem)
  • Mark Sprevak (Edimburgh U)

We aim to publish technical books for an academic audience of graduate students and up.  We see the series as a great opportunity for the field, providing a venue for specialists as well as junior authors.  Some high quality book projects are too specialized or their authors are too junior for other publishers.  Studies in Mind and Brain fills this gap.  We hope to make Studies in Brain and Mind an excellent addition to the development of interdisciplinary research in philosophy and neuroscience.

Every book published in the series will be available simultaneously in print and as e-book in SpringerLink.  If a library has purchased the Springer e-book package, visitors of the library are able to download these PDF’s for free or order a paperback for Euro: 24.95 / USD 24,95.

The series aims for a high level of clarity, rigor, novelty, and scientific competence.  Book proposals and complete manuscripts of 200 or more pages are welcome.  Initial proposals can be sent to Gualtiero Piccinini at For more information, see the Series website .



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