The Philosophical Quarterly 2011 Prize Essay Competition: On Hume




The Philosophical Quarterly

The Philosophical Quarterly 2011 Prize Essay Competition

The Philosophical Quarterly invites submissions for its 2011 international prize essay competition, the topic of which is ‘Hume after 300 Years’ and the prize being £1500 and publication in the journal.

2011 marks the tercentenary of the birth of David Hume. Entries are invited on all aspects of Hume’s philosophy. Particularly welcome will be essays on relatively neglected parts of Hume’s corpus: for example, his theory of space and time; his typology of the passions; the Treatise account of political obligation; the first (1741-42) volumes of Essays, Moral and Political; the second Enquiry; the Four Dissertations.

Essays should not be longer than 8,000 words, Electronic submission is preferred and contributions may be sent as email attachments to Further details for the competition are available from

All entries will be regarded as submissions for publication in The Philosophical Quarterly, and both winning and non-winning entries judged to be of sufficient quality will be published.

If you would like any copies of the poster or you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to contact



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