Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Fundraiser — with Matching from Marc Sanders Foundation
Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Fundraiser — with Matching from Marc Sanders Foundation




Minorities and Philosophy International (MAP) is a network of graduate student-run chapters which together seek to address structural injustices in academic philosophy and remove barriers that impede participation in academic philosophy for members of marginalized groups. They are currently running a fundraiser, with assistance from the Marc Sanders Foundation (MSF).

Donations may be made here. Below are more details about MAP and its fundraiser.

The chapters of MAP at colleges and universities around the world “plan and oversee a wide variety of programming, including reading groups, summer schools, support groups, K-12 programs, and so on,” according to MAP representative Josh Petersen (University of Michigan). He writes:

MAP International serves a central organizing role for these chapters by raising and distributing funds, running our own programming, and supporting our many chapters in their day-to-day activities. 

MAP continues to grow at a staggering rate. We now oversee nearly 200 chapters in over a dozen countries in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Our current operating budget isn’t nearly sufficient to support all of our chapters’ financial needs: each year, we must turn down a significant number of funding proposals from our chapters. By raising funds, we’re hoping to be better able to provide more funding to chapters which do not receive funding from their home departments and expand our own programmatic offerings to a wider audience. 

This year, the MSF has joined forced with MAP: for the first $10,000 in charitable donations which MAP receives, MSF will provide MAP with a matching donation.

Mr. Petersen says, “this is a very exciting opportunity for MAP, and we really hope that the philosophical community can help us make the most of this dollar-matching program.” MAP is a registered nonprofit, and donations to MAP are tax-deductible.

Go here to donate.

Originally appeared on Daily Nous Read More



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