Drechsel, Emanuel J. 2024. Wilhelm von Humboldt and Early American Linguistics: Resources and Inspirations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 346 p. ISBN 9781108966801. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108966801
Publisher’s webpage
Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767–1835), an early pioneer in the philosophy of language, linguistic and educational theory, was not only one of the first European linguists to identify human language as a rule-governed system –the foundational premise of Noam Chomsky’s generative theory – or to reflect on cognition in studying language; he was also a major scholar of Indigenous American languages. However, with his famous naturalist brother Alexander ‘stealing the show,’ Humboldt’s contributions to linguistics and anthropology have remained understudied in English until today. Drechsel’s unique book addresses this gap by uncovering and examining Humboldt’s influences on diverse issues in nineteenth-century American linguistics, from Peter S. Duponceau to the early Boasians, including Edward Sapir. This study shows how Humboldt’s ideas have shaped the field in multiple ways. Shining a light on one of the early innovators of linguistics, it is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of the field.
Lowe, John H. 2024. Modern Linguistics in Ancient India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 260 p. ISBN 9781009364522. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009364522
Publisher’s website
The ancient Indian linguistic tradition has been influential in the development of modern linguistics, yet is not well known among modern Western linguists. This unique book addresses this gap by providing an accessible introduction to the Indian linguistic tradition, covering its most important achievements and ideas, and assessing its impact on Western linguistics. It shows how ancient Indian methods of linguistic analysis can be applied to a number of topical issues across the disciplines of modern linguistics–spanning phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and computational linguistics. Exploring the parallels, differences, and connections in how both traditions treat major issues in linguistic science, it sheds new light on a number of topical issues in linguistic theory. Synthesizing existing major work on both sides, it makes Indian linguistics accessible to Western linguists for the first time, as well as making ideas from mainstream linguistics more accessible to students and scholars of Indian grammar.
Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot, Hava & Sébastien Moret, dir. 2024. Nouvelles recherches sur Antoine Mellet. Langages 233. Paris: Armand Colin. 160 p. ISSN 0458-726X
Publisher’s website
Nouvelles recherches sur Antoine Meillet : Introduction
Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot & Sébastien Moret
Antoine Meillet, Marcel Cohen et la sociologie du langage
Gabriel Bergounioux
Meillet et les « langues de civilisation »
John E. Joseph
Antoine Meillet et le genre : retour sur la question
Françoise Létoublon
Meillet, les juifs et la Bible
Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot
La dualité faillir / falloir à l’aune de la grammaticalisation et du changement de sens selon Meillet : complexité, rupture, affaiblissement du sens
Francis Gandon
La moitié du chemin. Sur la réception d’Antoine Meillet dans l’URSS de Staline
Sébastien Moret
L’école de Meillet et l’anthropologie
Jean Loicq
2024. Historiographia Linguistica 50(1). Amsterdam: Benjamins. iii, 143 p. ISSN 0302-5160.
Publisher’s website
Articles – Aufsätze
Missionary linguistics in the East Indies in the seventeenth century
Christopher Joby
Jan Ignacy Necisław Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929) : Sur son parcours biographique et son évolution théorique
Roger Comtet
Adelung’s English-German dictionary (1783, 1796): Its achievements and its relationship to the dictionaries of Samuel Johnson and Johannes Ebers
Nicola McLelland
Review article – Rapport critique – Forschungsbericht
L’architecture des études de linguistique romane au XVIe siècle : Le regard d’Eugenio Coseriu
Pierre Swiggers
Book reviews – Comptes rendus – Besprechungen
Christophe Rey. 2023. Léonard de Vinci, génie des langues
Compte rendu par Claudia Schweitzer
Marina De Palo & Stefano Gensini. 2022. With Saussure, beyond Saussure. Between linguistics and philosophy of language
Reviewed by Estanislao Sofía
Ludwig Jäger & Andreas Kablitz. 2023. Saussure et l’épistémè structuraliste. / Saussure und die strukturalistische Episteme
Rezensiert von Bohumil Vykypěl
Fred W. Householder & Sol Saporta. 2022. Problems in Lexicography
Reviewed by John Considine
Barton, William M. & Raf Van Rooy, eds. 2024. Latin–Greek Code-switching in Early Modernity [thematic issue]. Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures 9. Gent: RELICS. 125 p. ISSN ISSN: 2593-743X
Publisher’s website
Journal in open access
Introduction: Latin–Greek Code-Switching in Early Modernity
William M. Barton and Raf van Rooy
Roger Ascham’s Latin–Greek Code-Switching: A Philosophical Phenomenon
Lucy Nicholas
Dialects and Languages in the Poetic Oeuvre of Laurentius Rhodoman (1545–1606)
Stefan Weise
Latin–Greek Code-Switching in Vicente Mariner’s (ca. 1570–1642) Correspondence with Andreas Schott (1552–1629): A Case-Study
William M. Barton
“Non δίγλωττον aut τρίγλωττον neque πεντάγλωττον, sed παντάγλωττον?” The Polyglot Anna Maria van Schurman (1607–1678) and Her (Latin–Greek) Code-Switching
Pieta van Beek
Originally appeared on History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences Read More